Energizing Articles To Digest

How Cortisol Affects Your Period (for women 35+)

cortisol hormones perimenopause Jun 08, 2024
Perimenopause Nutrition Coaching

Have you just turned 40(ish) and suddenly your once-regular menstrual cycle has become as unpredictable as a reality TV show plot twist? But besides longer (or shorter) periods, never quite knowing when Aunt Flo is gonna show, and more pain than ever before, you’re battling fatigue at both ends of the day - and sometimes in the middle, brain fog that kills your productivity, and mood swings so wild it feels like your body has been taken over by a monster! 


With your high-stress lifestyle, you might be tempted to enlist more nervous system regulation and stress management into your days.  But hold up - before you go down that road, let’s talk about something huge for a woman in her 40s.   The fact that as your hormones are changing, stress is going to wreck more havoc on your period health.  


The Impact of Stress on Reproductive Hormone Health


First, let’s get the lowdown on how cortisol affects hormones in women. When you're stressed, your body goes into fight-or-flight mode, pumping out cortisol like there's no tomorrow. Cortisol is your body’s main stress hormone, and while it's great for short bursts of emergency energy, chronic stress (hello, modern life!) means you're constantly flooding your system with this hormone. 


Big news: This hormone imbalance can throw your estrogen and progesterone levels completely out of whack. (Which is why your periods and PMS seem so much more unbearable right now.)


Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalance Due to Stress


Yup, when cortisol goes haywire, so does your menstrual cycle, which things like:


  • Irregular or skipped periods
  • Heavier or lighter bleeding
  • Really bad PMS with crying spells, anxiety, mood swings or fatigue
  • Severe bloating or headaches (or both!)


And it’s not just period problems either:


  • Brain fog, sleepless nights
  • Hot flashes, night sweats, sore boobs
  • Weight gain that comes out of no where
  • Acne
  • Joint and muscle aches
  • Feeling like you’re getting sick every month


If your menstrual cycle feels like it's got a mind of its own, dysregulated cortisol might be the sneaky culprit behind the chaos. 


BUT this doesn’t mean you have to jump aboard the latest stress management technique or nervous system regulation program!

(Uncover the root cause of your hormonal imbalances - it's not simply because hormones are shifting, too much stress, or because you've "cheated" on a few meals. Hormone symptoms are signs of a deeper problem that your doctor isn't getting at.  Discover your root cause with a Holistic Hormone Assessment consultation.  Book here.)


The Diet Disconnect


I’m gonna let you in on a little secret:


You may be sitting there thinking, “I’ve always eaten healthy, I haven’t changed a thing in my diet, and I know how to balance my meals…my diet has NOTHING to do with this, so let’s move on…”


Well, with all the love, you’re wrong!


Because as your hormones change - which they naturally do if you’re a woman over age 35 - your diet needs to change to support that!


The clean and healthy diet you ate in your 20s and 30s might not cut it anymore. A few key signs your diet isn’t right for your hormones today are:


  • Cravings for sweets, bread, carbs, cheese or nuts
  • Hunger after eating
  • Mid-afternoon energy crash
  • Weight gain
  • Skin tags
  • Acne
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Waking up at 2 or 3 AM for no reason
  • Brain fog and feeling low on stamina


Now is the perfect time to do a nutrition refresh and get your hormones fired up for balance, health, fat-burning, and high energy!


(Join Restore Hormonal Bliss if you're keen to master your cycle to rid yourself of painful, embarassing and annoying periods; hot flashes and night sweats; a low or non-existent sex drive; and other frustrating hormonal imbalances.  Learn more about Restore Hormonal Bliss here.)


Diet Tweaks to Support Your High-Stress Lifestyle 


Something that I rarely see anyone talking about is how to nourish your nervous system or stress response with food.  (It’s all about breathwork, somatic yoga poses, journalling and meditation - which are relaxing but definitely not nutrient-dense…which is the only fuel that supports production and balance of all hormones.)


First in line is cortisol nutrition:


  • More healthy fats (like raw nuts, avocado, salmon)
  • Extra cholesterol (like grass-fed beef, whole eggs, coconut oil)
  • Expand your antioxidant range with a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits


Then, support healthy levels of estrogen and progesterone with:


  • 3-5 servings of broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage or brussels sprouts each week
  • More apples, dark cherries and berries
  • Ground flaxseed
  • Less sugar and sugar alternatives
  • Replace some starchy or whole grain foods with non-starchy vegetables or lentils and beans


Add a little more salt to your diet, enjoy a banana or three each week, and definitely indulge on some dark, dark chocolate once a day! (Raw cacao in my breakfast smoothies is my favorite way!)


What Else Does Cortisol Wreck?


Besides throwing estrogen and progesterone out of whack, cortisol dysregulation - specifically an undernourished stress response - also impacts two more critical energy and balance hormones:


Thyroid - chronic stress slows down thyroid hormone production, and estrogen imbalances prevent T4 from converting to T3 so weight gain, fatigue and depression may set in


Insulin - high levels of cortisol trigger more insulin release, which leads to ‘insulin resistance’; on top of that, the estrogen drop caused by an undernourished stress response while living a high-stress lifestyle also leads to more insulin resistance; this is a double-whammy problem leading to weight gain, cravings, and brain fog


Non-Nutrition Tips to Support Your High-Stress Lifestyle After 40


Nutrition is the backbone of all your hormones, as well as every cell, tissue and organ in your body.  Neglecting this piece will keep you stuck.  


But supporting your high-stress lifestyle after 40 is also important via other ways, like:


Take time to rest, calm your mind and relax:  meditation, journaling, sitting quietly and listening to nature


Move your body daily: workout, go for a walk, stretch, dance in your kitchen


Prioritize sleep: go to bed earlier, try to be asleep between 10PM and 2AM, and let the work emails wait until tomorrow


Be with your friends: social support is important so get out with a girlfriend and ask for help when you need it

Reverse Your Hormonal Imbalances After 40


So there you have it, ladies. The connection between chronic stress, hormone imbalances, and menstrual irregularities is real. Remember that your hormones are living molecules that rely on nutrients to stay balanced and health - feed your hormones with the right hormone-balancing nutrition plan and enjoy more energy, clear focus, happier moods, great sleep, and a lighter, healthier, sexier you overall. 


As your hormones transition, your diet needs to transform too, and I can help.  If you’re looking for answers about how to nourish your hormones for a seamless, easy flow through your 40s, 50s and beyond, let’s get you booked in for a holistic health and hormone consultation today.  We’ll uncover your personal nutrient gaps to create a unique, simple nutrition plan that still lets you eat your favorite foods and take a little time in the kitchen as you want each day.  


Click here to book your Consultation today.



For complete, holistic support and guidance for all your hormonal and health goals, the VIP Experience is a 6- month 1-on-1 nutrition consultation container with monthly health assessments to align your nutrition and wellness habits with your health goals so you can hit your targets faster and master the art of maintaining and improving your health as you get older. Click here to learn more about it.


Hormonal Imbalances in her 30s, 40s and 50s aren't just related to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone!

If you're eager to tame your wild & crazy hormonal rollercoaster, then you want a holistic hormonal healing strategy that's simple, straightforward, and successful.

To get started, grab a free copy of my 5 Factors to Increase Energy, a guide that'll walk you through the deepest healing strategies my clients follow to beat perimenopause and reclaim high energy, laser-sharp focus, sensual libido, a mood that's more joy & happiness than anything else, and a capacity to handle challenges and stress with grace and calm.

Tell me how to fix my dang hormones!