Free Meal Plan  

7-Day Hormone Repair Meal Plan for Women Over 35 Who Want to Feel Sexy, Confident and Energized In Their Own Skin So They Can Accomplish Every Task on Their Busy Schedule With Grace, Initiate Sex With Their Partner, And Fit Into Their Favorite Black Dress Every Day of Every Month

Hormone Repair Meal Plan

Undo the damage of past diet culture, fad diet plans, and hormone-wrecking supplements with this nutrient-dense, simple meal plan created for a woman's body.

Suddenly feel like your body has taken on a mind of its own since you turned 35? 

For no reason, you've gone UP 2 dress sizes (while actively trying to go down), 

You soak through the sheets most nights, wondering what actual hell you're living in,

And the cravings for sweets, carbs, chips, chocolate, bread, and cheese have gone through the roof (and you're trying your hardest to win that battle with willpower, but losing horribly...).

I see you - you're doing the best you can, following all the *right* hormone-balancing trends and diets, yet you're just feeling worse and worse.

Your libido is non-existent, your mood swings are out of control, and you’re embarrassed by the constant brain fog. It’s affecting your relationships, your work, and your self-esteem.

I get it. I’ve been there.

Hi, I’m Daina, Certified Holistic Nutrition Consultant and Women's Hormone Repair Expert!

I used to struggle with acne, fatigue, sleepless nights, mood swings, anger, and weight issues. I tried every diet plan I came across...yet nothing seemed to help.

Finally, I switched to a NEW way of eating, not just "healthy" but "for my health". And discovered a super simple way to harness the power of FOOD for balanced, thriving hormones.

This simple shift in how I thought about food for my hormones & health changed my LIFE over 10 years ago.

Here I am, living a zero-symptom perimenopause life for the past 10 years, feeling slim, sexy, confident, light, and energized. And I want to help you do the same.

Introducing the Hormone Repair Meal Plan

This isn’t another surface-level fad diet. This is a science-backed, nutrient-dense meal plan designed to add the crucial nutrients you need to reverse hormonal issues and restore balance.


Here’s What You’ll Get:

  • Easy, Delicious Recipes: Learn how to eat your way to healthier, more balanced hormones with simple recipes that are as tasty as they are nutritious.
  • Holistic Hormone Balance: Improve estrogen balance to eliminate cramps, hot flashes, and night sweats. Balance blood sugar to reduce cravings and weight issues. Boost progesterone for better sleep, happier moods, and less anxiety. Tame cortisol imbalances to feel zen-like calm. Using only real, whole foods.
  • Flexible 7-Day Meal Plan: A simple, flexible meal plan with a variety of recipes to keep things interesting, yet also lots of repeats to make it easy and budget-friendly.


What Wanda R. had to say about it...

"I've dropped 7 lbs in less than a week, my clothes fit better, and I'm actually sleeping through the night for the first time in months. I have more energy than I can remember ever having!"


Why This Meal Plan is Different

While most meal plans are designed to get you to eat "healthier", this plan is packed with the critical nutrients in the perfect combination to fire up your hormonal production, usage, and removal. It’s these nutrients that stabilize hormones, keep them flowing smoothly all month long, and block symptoms like bloating, fatigue, insomnia, brain fog, and mood swings.


What Hormone Repair Feels Like:

  • Feel more confident and improve your mood and sex life as your body starts to release stubborn weight.
  • Reignite passion in the bedroom and reduce guilt and frustration, as you enhance your relationship.
  • Eliminate embarrassing moments and extra laundry, and enjoy uninterrupted sleep free from hot flashes and night sweats (even after a glass of wine).
  • With newfound energy and diamond-sharp focus, you'll keep up with your responsibilities to get more done in less time.
  • Enjoy your favorite physical activities with loved ones and maintain an active lifestyle.


Sounds exciting, right?

Download the free Hormone Repair Meal Plan now and start your journey to balanced hormones and a healthier, happier you.

👋 Me! Me! Me! I want this!! 👋

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