Cut through the noise of diets, fad nutrition programs, and “one-size-fits-all” health gimmicks that don't work anyway!

Get the EXACT roadmap you need to reset your entire body for optimal, sustainable energy, balance and health without the need to ever "start over" next Monday, month or even if your lifestyle changes.

Master how to add the RIGHT FOODS with ease to fill YOUR nutrient gaps and reverse your unique root causes with a nutrition strategy that activates your body's natural healing processes and keeps you on track and preventing potential health issues.

I get it-I really do.

Hi, I'm Daina.

There's nothing more frustrating than feeling like your body has turned against you, with things like cystic acne, exhaustion, weight gain, and insomnia making life miserable. The endless parade of spot treatments and supplements that promise miracles but deliver nothing but disappointment is disheartening. And let's not even talk about the emotional rollercoaster that comes with mood swings and cravings that seem impossible to control. 

I've been there, staring at my reflection with tears rolling down my cheeks, wondering if I'd ever get my body and my LIFE back to feeling normal. But I found a way through it, and that's why I'm here. I know how overwhelming it can be to take on a health problem on your own, but I also know that with the right guidance and compassionate support, you can find your way back to a healthier, happier, and more balanced you. 

Remember When You Felt Unstoppable? Let’s bring that back, stat!

For over 20 years, my body failed me. And I was convinced I was doomed to perpetual suffering.

My health took a nasty turn when I was 12 and caught pneumonia.  


Despite kicking the virus and finally being able to breathe normally again, 

I was knocked off my feet by fatigue that literally HURT.

By the time school rolled around, I could barely drag myself down the stairs for breakfast, let alone re-enrol in volleyball, badminton and gymnastics that year.

My parents took me from one new doctor to another, until, at 15, I was told I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
but there was nothing they could do for me!


Talk about defeating news.

I struggled with painful brain fog (and had to take an extra year of university just to get my degree).
My skin constantly broke out with cystic acne (and all the scrubs, spot treatments or lotions only made things worse).
I was depressed
but I wasn’t, which was super confusing for everyone! (I felt SO exhausted and had zero motivation but I wanted to live a fun life!)
By the time I finished school, I had gained 20 lbs
and another 20 more by the time I was 28.  


I hated the way I looked, the way I felt, and the way I had to “rest” so much more than everyone else
and how no one understood what I was going through.

One night in my early 20s, I woke up so exhausted that I couldn’t see.


Everything was black and I was so scared! I remember blinking away trying to make my vision return, and had to wake up my boyfriend to help me to the bathroom (and, yes, all the lights we on).  


This send a shellshock of worry through me that my health was on a rapid decline and that I would never get to live the life I dreamt about if I didn’t do something about it. 


Screw the doctors!

I was determined to find a real solution to take back my life!

For almost 15 years, I hopped from one meal plan to supplement to detox tea to essential oil to miracle powder to another.  (guess what? none of that helped one bit)

It felt so hopeless for so long
With over 20 symptoms driving me crazy, I felt like I had to start my research and experimentation over every time a new one popped up. 

Because of course it wasn’t just one thing - it was the stomach cramps that hit for no reason in the middle of a girls night out; the sudden eruption of acne right before a hot date; the defeating fatigue that knocked me down right before final exams; and the anger at my cat that (almost) made me want to rip her head off for spilling her water.  


Sure, there were LOTS of "treatments" to "fix" my problems out there...

(and I swear I tried 'em ALL...)

But no matter how “good” I was about restricting certain foods, 

How many of the promising supplements I bought, 
Which “energy-boosting” superfoods I religiously ate each day,


Nothing worked!


I held out so much hope that there would be SOMETHING to fix my fatigue, acne, weight and sleep


But ultimately I realized there was no such thing as a ‘magic pill’ or diet to do so.


So when my acne showed up with 10X more force when I quit birth control pills at age 35, 


I knew I had to do something different.


I had to stop thinking I could fix my health on my own
over 20 years of that insanity had proven that it was impossible. 


I had to stop looking at each symptom individually.


I had to stop looking for cheap ‘quick fixes’ and relying on insurance-covered health treatments. 


And I had to stop believing that I had to just “start over” with each new health problem I wanted to tackle (or because the last meal plan or vitamin "didn't work").

So I brought out the big guns
and hired help that I paid for out of my own pocket. 




It was scary, 

I felt a LOT of resistance, 

And it was the BEST decision of my life.


Because my support team helped me see that my acne was NOT a skin issue


But instead a gut and liver health problem. 


And that all I had to do was eat better foods for my root cause problem!

(this was AFTER I changed my entire diet to be "clean", too!)


I don’t believe in magic (though I kinda believe in ghostsâ€ŠđŸ‘») but the transformation of my skin - after 20 years of cystic, embarrassing acne - was đŸȘ„MAGICALđŸȘ„!


Not only did my skin clear up, but my energy started to soar for the FIRST TIME IN 20+ years.


ALL I did was ADD very specific foods to address the root cause of my acne and my chronic fatigue syndrome - an impossible-to-fix (according to medicine) condition - started to disappear. 


I was stunned.😼


And totally going to figure out how to fully ditch the rest of my health problems using food!đŸ„ł


So, I enrolled in holistic nutrition school and begin playing with the protocols I was seeing for the very first time (functional food combos NO ONE is talking about on the internet)...

And within 3 years of self-experimentating, I had 100% eliminated:


ALL acne breakouts
no matter what time of the month it was

ALL gas and bloating

ALL PMS irritability and mood swings

ALL period cramps and long, heavy flow

ALL chronic fatigue syndrome exhaustion and brain fog

ALL random aches and pains in my muscles

ALL cravings for sugar and carbs

ALL sleepless nights

ALL yeast infections

ALL struggles with my weight

ALL food intolerances like beans, corn and dairy (though I still don’t eat it for other reasons).

Without restricting my favorite foods, 
Without addressing each problem by “starting over”, 
Without living like a hermit for the rest of my life, 
Without expensive supplements, creams, pain-killers or other pills, 
Without a lot of “stress management” activities, 
Without losing out on life, good meals or vacation food.

 The secret to my success is that I got to the ROOT CAUSE of ALL my health problems, and started ONLY using food to reverse the problem. 


Because you CANNOT fix a problem properly if you don’t know WHY it’s happening


Now, my VIP Experience clients are following the same strategy that eliminated all my health problems + have kept me feeling my best for over 10 years to:


Ditch PMS, period irregularities, and menstrual pain

Get pregnant easily

Drop inches while still enjoying delicious meals (and eating more food)

Skyrocket energy and focus to get more work done in less time

Eliminate aches and pains that used to hold them back from playing with their kids

And so much more!

Within 6 months! 


All because they flipped their way of thinking about health and nutrition away from “fix one symptom at a time” to “fix the REAL problem correctly”.


Join Today! 👇

Say Goodbye to Hormone Hell With Personalized Root Cause Nutrition $2497

The VIP Experience is different. 


As your personal nutrition consultant, I will get *inside* your body to uncover the root problems behind all the symptoms you want to fix. 


Your program will be highly individualized to YOUR unique root problem so that you know exactly how and what to eat to reverse and eliminate those pesky cramps, aches, fat jiggles and sleepless nights. 


There is NO one-size-fits-all meal plan or nutrition program for a woman like YOU
someone who is eager to reclaim her highest level of health yet and who is curious to be shown what food can really do for a woman’s total health and hormones. 


This isn’t magic. It’s not a quick fix. And you will need to be consistent in your monthly protocol. 


But it’s a simple, yet potent, strategy that aligns every piece of healing together so that you finally become balanced, energized, and free from health problems. 


I help you let go of common diet and nutrition misconceptions that are holding you back, like calorie restriction, carb elimination or the belief that you’re going to be miserable when you decide to change your diet!


My mission is to help YOU beat your symptoms.


And I’ll do that for you IF you’re:


✹Open to a new way of thinking about food that supports healing and balance (instead of damage and inflammation like other plans).

✹Going to let go of past limiting beliefs about nutrition (like it has to be restrictive to “work”). 

✹Able to forget the idea that health improvements are “quick” and that you’ll feel better instantly when you make diet changes.

✹Are tired of being handed a meal plan that everyone else is following and not having it work for you.

✹Are willing to try adding some key healing foods to your diet that align with your root cause.

✹Open to learning how foods interact within your own body and why simply just eating “healthy” isn’t going to heal your root cause.

✹Excited to stop focusing on your symptoms and start focusing on your main problem that’s causing all those symptoms.

✹Ready for a simpler, faster way of eating that’s also delicious and sometimes indulgent (chocolate for breakfast is my go-to hormone balancing food). 

✹Alright with being heard, someone caring about your health as much (or more) than you do, and getting really deep levels of healing and answers about your body.

The VIP Experience

Your 6-month holistic hormone and health rejuvenation strategy for more days feeling unstoppable, capable of handling anything without breaking a sweat; confident in your own skin, free from excess weight, unpredictable mood swings, and constant fatigue; energized, waking up every morning refreshed and ready to take on your busy schedule like a boss; and balanced, free from constant ups and downs, no more PMS or period problems, and pain-free so you can do more of what you love in life.

Ya, I’m SO ready to stop settling for “meh” - Let’s get this VIP Experience rolling!

The secret to total body bliss and living the life of your dreams?


We identify the root cause of ALL your health concerns and create a simple, aligned nutrition strategy that targets cellular fuel to optimize total body health for months and months free from PMS, exhaustion, aches & pains, brain fog, cravings, excess weight, constipation, bloating and acne so you can dive into your life with excitement, confidence, and high energy and conquer every goal, dream and crazy bucket-list item without skipping a beat. 


Here’s what you’ll get with my VIP Experience:

  • Kickstart all-day energy levels that propel you through complex project tasks, client meetings, after-work errands and that evening pilates class you’ve been checking out
  • Sit down feeling focused and driven to draft your latest presentation in mere minutes (instead of hours), freeing up time to tackle your next assignment  while also responding to every email on time with clear, concise dialogue
  • Maintain your calm, cool, collected demeanor through every unexpected situation so that when your computer crashes before a big presentation or your daughter’s principal calls you in for a meeting, you respond with maturity and grace
  • Shrug off your husband’s annoying habits like leaving his socks on the bed or putting the knives away in the wrong drawer (every time) and feel more happy and enthusiastic to spend time with your loved ones
  • Confidently prep food for your week, knowing it’ll support your weight and body composition goals without getting distracted by the latest new trendy video on TikTok
  • Easily fall asleep when you want and stay asleep throughout the night so that when the weekends roll around you’re more excited to go for a morning hike than sleep in to “catch up”
  • Say goodbye to unwanted cravings yet still enjoy a glass of wine, a chocolate brownie or that decadent carrot cake your colleague brings in on Fridays without worrying about weight, relentless urges for sugar or unexplained hunger afterwards
  • Reignite your libido for passionate sex with your partner that happens more frequently than ever because you want it more


Here's how it works:

Month 1: Support Your Root Cause

Based on your assessment results, you'll get a detailed strategy using food additions to stop hormone dysregultion in its tracks. 

Month 2: Hormone Repair

Reverse the damage caused by past diet trends and supplements by refueling your entire hormonal system with nutrient-dense whole foods that support the 3 phases of hormonal harmony. 

Month 3: Liver & Digestion Optimization

Now that your cells and hormones are back to their natural responsive state, we'll target strong, robust digestion and liver health with seasonal superfoods to replenish lost nutrients and fire up full functionality.

Month 4: Tame Inflammation 

Your body is ready to fire up energy production, metabolism and hormone regularity, so now we'll tap into our anti-inflammatory and antioxidant healing mechanisms to restore full-body health and healing capabilities.

Month 5: Burnout, Stress & Nervous System Support

By now, you'll feel capable of handling more in life because your stress response is fueled up with high performing nutrients to help you keep your cool when things heat up. Now discover how to eat to maintain this new level of calm so you can avoid burnout, manage stress like a professional, and avoid nervous system dysregulation.

Month 6: Enhancements

By now, your entire body will feel different - almost like a whole new person! This is your last month in the program so we'll work on any outstanding health or hormone imbalances OR show you how to target another health concern so you can eat to beat it too.  

Graduation OR Continuing Education:

After 6 months, you have the option to continue on working with me on other health concerns, stubborn hormonal imbalances, or learning the science of my process so you can maintain all your hard work, help your loved ones through their hormonal imbalances, and share your knowledge with others who are struggling with confusing health symptoms. 

Listen to Talya's experience within the VIP Experience👇

Yes, I'm ready to take the leap - sign me up!


Because every VIP Experience is different - I tailor your experience to YOU and your goals - the level of nutrition support, resources, and consultation feedback you receive is entirely based on your needs. 


But what I can guarantee you’ll get inside the VIP Experience
and why this is THE strategy for women over 35 who are dead serious about fixing their health problems so they can simply live life on their own terms free from symptoms


Is ALL this:


  • A monthly health & hormone assessment to identify your personal root problem. Each month, I examine your entire health status to uncover the deepest cause of what you’re feeling and seeing, and then create a 1-month nutrition strategy on this alone. As your body begins to shift, transform, heal and re-ignite it’s cellular-level health, your root problem and strategy will change.  (value $500 / month or $3000) 


  • A BONUS health & hormone assessment at the very end of your VIP Experience to show you just how far you’ve come! The proof is in the data! (value $500)


  • A mid-month private consulting / coaching call to check-in on status, ask more complex questions or talk through issues you’re experiencing.  This may include struggles with getting your family on board with your food strategy, new symptoms popping up that you’re unsure how to manage, or a regroup of your strategy if it feels misaligned with your goals or lifestyle. (value $250/call or $1500)


  • Weekly voice / text note support via Messenger or Voxer to get quick answers to questions while grocery shopping (“hey, I found these flax crackers, are they okay?”), out for dinner (“what can I eat on this menu?”), weird new symptoms you’re noticing as your body changes (“um, my pee smells weird
normal?”) and more. (value $12,000)


  • All the recipes, meal plans, food suggestions and research necessary for support your goals. You’ll get full access to my Recipe Vault plus dozens of additional recipes that are perfect for your goals. Because we shift your nutrition plan each month to keep you on track for success, you may end up with dozens or hundreds of recipe options! (value $10,000+) 


  • Plus, you get to ask about and work on ANY health condition you want, I typically spend 8 hours per month researching and pulling together the best support materials for you. (value $12,000)


The value of the VIP Experience is over $39,000


And it’s available for you TODAY for $2497.00.


Oh, snap! Sign me UP - I'm ready to turn on my healing right now!

Hi there! I'm Daina 👋

I am a Holistic Perimenopause Nutrition Consultant helping ambitious women in their prime break free from the overwhelm of hormonal imbalances that hit with ferocity despite prioritizing healthy eating, exercise and vitamins. 

My holistic root cause approach helps you unlock boundless energy, resilience to stress, unstoppable focus, unwavering happiness, and a passionate sex life by blending personalized nutrition, hormone repair strategies and cellular-level energy improvement techniques so that you can confidently take on more work, clients and projects while maintaining effortless creative flow. 

By delving deep into the core of your hormone and health strugglings, I help you transform your days from brushing off tasks and skipping over important deadlines to effortlessly knocking off all your to-dos each day while enthusiastically creating new initiatives with sustained motivation. 

I live in beautiful Nicaragua with my husband and 2 cats, where I enjoy walks on the beach, volunteering with the local animal shelter, sipping a drink while watching the sunset over the ocean, and taking on my friends at pickleball.

Sure, you can keep Googling “how to balance my hormones” or “how to boost my energy” and get lots of lists of supplements, foods to eat, and healthy gimmicks to buy. 

And you can search for “gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free” recipes all day long and see so many pretty pictures of “hormone-friendly meals”.  But that’s not gonna eliminate the fatigue, brain fog, insomnia, weight, cravings, and anger!

Truth bomb💣 - if you wait to try one more hormone-balancing tip OR crazy fad diet program you find online, chances are I'm going to have to repair the damage of what you've done and help you start over from scratch.  Time.Wasted!

So if you're the type of woman who isn't going to take a chance with her health and hormones because you've got a LOT to accomplish in your lifetime, 

Let's create your perfect VIP Experience Nutrition Strategy and get you back on your feet, so you can consistently and effortlessly create the business and life of your dreams!

OK, I'm sold - let's do this!