Are you ready to naturally rebalance your hormones without overhauling your entire diet or shelling out big bucks for pricey treatments and supplements?



Restore Hormonal Balance:

Cycle Sync Mastery for Women 35+

Who Demand Effortless Periods They Can Easily Forget, To Sleep Through the Night Without Soaking Through the Sheets, and Flames of Desire in the Bedroom That Sizzle With Passion
Get Started Today!

You've taken the supplements; dabbled with Hormone Replacement Therapies; tested out one fad diet after another; tried to get more sleep and exercise...


Now it's time for you to clear away the "fluff" and swap sticky sheets for blissful sleep-filled nights, that sandpaper feeling "down there" for endless pleasure, and your nightly glass of wine for hot sex that leaves you breathless. And, of course, naturally embrace happier, harmonious periods that arrive on schedule.

What happy clients are saying about Restore Hormonal Balance ⬇️

Maria K

I feel younger, healthier, happier! With an elevated energy level and improved mood, every day turned brighter for me. Just some simple changes to my diet helped m harness all this and more!

Hanna L

With Daina's holistic support, I stopped feeling overwhelmed by stress and got so focused at work that I was done my tasks so much sooner. I even had energy to burn so I completed my first-ever Spartan Race!

Valerie E

I learned so much about my health but also loved that many of my own fears, struggles and choices were validated. Now I'm feeling empowered to make way better food choices and my body is loving it!

Ready for harmonious hormones, sensational sex, and confidence? Get started today!


The Key To Effortless, Predictable Cycles So That You Can Plan Your Life Without Your Period Disrupting Your Flow, Stop Worrying About Being Caught Off-Guard by Aunt Flo's Unexpected Visit, and Feel Radiant In Your Own Skin All Month Long Is To...


Restore the 3 Pillars of Hormone Harmony 


Women all over the world naturally transition into menopause...many without a single symptom!


But through hormonal damage caused by diet culture, fad nutrition programs, over-supplementation and reliance on hormone medications,  


Women like YOU are suffering through this phase of life needlessly!


But we can fix this ⤵️

Here's how it's going to work:


Step 1. Nourish your cycle.

Hormone imbalance symptoms are simply a sign of malnourishment. Fuel each phase of your cycle with the right foods to get rid of those symptoms. 


Step 2. Get your cells talking to your hormones again.

Your cells MUST be able to communicate (aka receive) hormones. Inflammation is a roadblock to this important (and overlooked) step so now we tame it by removing internal triggers.


Step 3. Boost healthy removal of hormones you don't need.

When excess hormones - like estrogen - aren't cleared from your body, you get hot flashes, cramps, night sweats and sore boobs. Fire up hormone detoxification so you can feel normal again!

Here's what you'll get inside ⬇️

Micro-Trainings so you know exactly how to use the right foods to spike your libido at the perfect time each month for passionate sex all month long, what signs your body is giving you that say it's time to switch up your diet as you enter a new phase, and which foods to eat together to amplify your period for normal flow, minimal cramps and extinguish PMS 

Phase-Specific Food Lists, Nutrient Cheat Sheets, Snack Ideas & Meal Planning Templates so you never have to guess as "what should I eat this week?" while speeding up your hormone rebalancing journey. These guides will simplify your weekly meal planning and make is easy to have the best foods on hand to support your hormones while keeping everyone in your house happy at every meal. 

Productivity Hacks, Exercise Secrets and Snack Ideas that fit effortlessly into your busy life so you can hit all your health and wellness goals while crushing big projects, taking on passion projects, and spending quality time with your loved ones making memories.

You might be asking yourself, "How is this program different from anything else I've tried?"

Unlike other hormone-balancing programs or treatments, Restore Hormonal Balance is your simple step-by-step way to regulate your cycle, take care of PMS (no more headaches, anxiety, snapping at your partner, or crying spells), and feel confident, sexy and in control over your own body.

I have helped dozens of women implement the flexible strategies I teach you inside Restore Hormonal Balance to get rid of painful periods, heavy embarassing flow, night sweats and hot flashes...and increase their sex drive and stamina for everyday life. 

This is not a diet (I don't "do" diets and I don't believe you should either). This is a NUTRITION STRATEGY that aligns the right healing foods with your monthly hormonal cycle so that you can easily address the 3 pillars of hormone balance.  And this is a tool you can use again and again to maintain healthy, balanced hormones naturally.

Are you ready to restore hormonal harmony as you boost your libido, ditch painful period cramps and create a clockwork-style period that's easy to forget?


It's time to fuel your hormones with healing foods to set up month after month of problem-free periods without hot flashes, night sweats or dryness "down there". ⬇️

Get Access for Just $77 USD

Restore Hormonal Balance:

Your key to PMS-less months, pain-free periods, and jacket-less work attire (cuz you no longer have to hide those unexpected sweat stains). 

You want hot, passion-filled sex with your partner without worrying that it's going to hurt or feel like you're just going through the motions. 

You want regular, easy periods that you don't even have to think about (even if you forget to change your tampon after a few hours). 

You want to know what the heck is going on inside your own body and trust that it's got your back to support your dreams, desires and goals until you're 100. 

Well, here's your chance to take your body and hormone health by the reins and reclaim your confident, sexy, balanced self!


I'm ready to say "YES!" to painless periods & loving sex again - let's go!

I wish more women were taught this...

Hi, I'm Daina, Perimenopause Nutrition Consultant.

I discovered the power of my own period health when I stopped birth control pills in favour of a natural, chemical-free cycle.  When I quit BCP, I developed mortifying cystic acne all over the upper half of my body, and I only wanted to fix it naturally.

I spent months learning how to use food to heal and repair my hormones and my cycle...And uncovered a secret weapon in women's health that NO ONE had ever taught me in 35+ years!

When your period and feminine hormones are balanced and healthy, life is so easy!  You're RADIANT.  You have SIMPLE, PAIN-FREE PERIODS.  You FEEL CONFIDENT IN YOUR FAVORITE OUTFITS AND YOUR OWN SKIN!

But what's very cool? You get in tune with the clues your reproductive system is sending about pending health problems...and YOU get to control whether or not that problem disappears OR persists into something bigger.

THIS is what you'll learn inside Restore Hormonal Balance - how to harness your personal reproductive experience as a guiding light in creating your highest level of health ever!  Naturally. 

Alright, I'm ready to balance my hormones too!